Dinosaurs, Dragons, & Drama-The Odyssey of a Trickfilmmaker-Volumes 1,2 &3
Dinosaurs, Dragons, & Drama-The Odyssey of a Trickfilmmaker An Illustrated Memoir by Jim Danforth Volumes 1, 2 & 3 = The complete set
Get all three volumes of this CD-rom set ($40.00 each) and Priority shipping is free*
* 828 pages of main text, plus the Foreword, sidebars, and supplemental material.
* Over 720 photos, drawings, and paintings in the main text; plus more in the sidebars.
Volume # 2 covers the middle years of Jim Danforth's film career—including his work on The Legend of King Kong, Flesh Gordon, Hiero's Journey, Conan, Clash of the Titans, and Caveman; plus his period as head of the visual effects department at Cascade Pictures of California—one of the largest west-coast producers of TV commercials. Would-be filmmakers may enjoy Jim's in-depth account of his work as the writer, co-designer, director, and co-producer of the adventure film Timegate—and why that film crashed and burned. Between these events, Jim examines his philosophy of visual effects and of trade unionism; and also discusses some of the effects techniques used in the days before computers generated images.
* 790 pages of main text, plus the Foreword, sidebars, and supplemental material.
* Over 700 photos, drawings, and paintings in the main text; plus more in the sidebars.
Vol. # 3 is the final volume of Jim Danforth's autobiography, It covers the years during which Jim was supplying optical effects, matte shots, miniatures, and stop-motion animation for feature films, mini series, TV shows, and television commercials. It also describes the attempts bv Jim and his wife and business associate, Karen, to raise funding for several feature films and animated puppet programs, culminating an elaborate, self-funded 'trailer' for "West of Kashmir," a 19th-century adventure film. There are also hundreds of pages of sidebars and essays.
Distributed exclusively by Archive Editions on a CD-ROM in a DVD-type "snap" case.
* Ships via Priority Mail